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4 Articles
How to Make Loosening the Ties of Friendships Easier
February 27, 2020
Getting upset with your friends is no use. All you can control is how you react, so take charge by loosening up.
Ghosting: Lowering society’s bar for common decency
May 25, 2017
Let's set the bar for expectations higher and quit ghosting. We owe it to ourselves.
Why it’s so hard to be the camel in our relationships
February 14, 2016
In yoga, backbends and chest openers are among the hardest poses. In particular, the camel pose, ustrasana, is considered challenging...
Of Friendly Fate and Familiar Faces
June 1, 2013
Five years ago, as I emptied my bedroom at Countryside Apartments in Gainesville, leaving behind a shoddily painted magenta wall and an...