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15 Articles
Victorian Vision: First Glimpse at Hong Kong
July 29, 2011
Descending into Hong Kong last Thursday, the skies were only partly cloudy, offering a rather clear view of Hong Kong and the surrounding...
Pearl of the Orient
July 26, 2011
I decided to take a short vacation before heading back home to Florida after wrapping things up on Guam. I wanted to go somewhere I...
Celebrating the Goddess on Navarathri
September 27, 2009
Back in Gainesville my friends and family are doing their rounds—both in seeing house kolus at friends’ homes and dancing...
Third eye (not) blind
February 8, 2009
I’ve always thought since I was young that my bindi sort of “marked” me, that perhaps it is the reason why strangers remember my face, why...
Slumdog Millionaire not one in a million
February 1, 2009
Four Golden Globe awards, a sweep at the Screen Actors Guild Awards and 10 Oscar nominations….that was it — I couldn’t handle...