Forging your future
The new(s) lifestyle
Yesterday was my second day working at the news desk. Oh yeah, in case you didn’t know, I got switched from the lifestyle section to...
Too many straws
(Flickr photo by kozumel) My dad wanted me to go to graduate school to make myself more qualified. I, on the other hand, wanted to jump...
Ready for my tranquilizer
This is my third week working for the Pacific Daily News, a newspaper established in 1944 as the Navy News and then acquired by Gannett in...
Guam: Yes, It’s American
Guam is an unincorporated United States territory in the Pacific, south of Japan.
Dave Gorman’s Googlewhacking: there’s still hope
I am aware I haven’t been posting lately and I almost felt bad for it, until I realized I have a legitimate excuse: I’ve been...
Can we expect re-Kindled sustenance for papers?
As if in response to the depression I expressed in a previous post about the pathetic size of newspapers these days, an article in The...
Black and white and read all over
Flickr photo by Matt Callow So everyone’s naturally been asking what’s different about journalism in India than here in...
Notes From the Motherland: Why I Chose to Intern Abroad in Chennai, India
Join me through my reporter internships at news organizations in Chennai, India.
Blogrolling: (n) the practice of exchanging ideas through a blog
I start this blog as a platform to share my voice and document my travel, work, and personal experiences.