A vendor selling fresh watermelons on the side of the street, tempting drivers and pedestrians walking under the scorching Chennai sun. At Rs. 5 (~10 cents) a piece, this thirst-quenching offer is one that’s hard to pass up.
Amritha Alladi Joseph is an Atlanta-based marketer and writer offering travel, dining and healthy recipe guides for vegetarians who love to vacation. She has visited 24 countries since birth and her blog covers stories from her family travel, cooking and dining adventures to provide you ideas of things to do, see, and eat in Atlanta and around the world.
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Hello Amritha
Would you allow us to use the picture of the watermelon seller in our English school textbook for Class 5 children? We would be very happy to acknowledge you in the book for the photograph. It would be nice of you if you could let me know soon.
Many thanks.
Mansoor Nazeer
New Delhi